Resource Category: Business

SIC & NAICS Codes — What Are They & What Do They Mean?

The world of business comes complete with its own unique collection of terms, concepts and procedures, and both new and seasoned business owners may find that their knowledge is tested from time to time. Two of the terms and concepts that are often shrouded in a bit of mystery are SIC codes and NAICS codes.  Though these two terms and the digits that define them are frequently at work in the background, they may get lost among the more overt… Read More

How to Incorporate a Business

Incorporating your business or forming a separate business entity can provide significant legal and financial advantages. Corporations can offer entrepreneurs asset protection, as well as opportunities to sell stock and attract investors. You can also build business credit and apply for financing in the name of your business, rather than personally.  Learn about your options for incorporating your business.  Nav does not offer legal or tax advice. Consult your advisors for advice about your specific situation. What is a Corporation?… Read More

What Is Cash Flow?

It seems pretty obvious that cash is a big factor in your current and future business plans. From startup and everyday operating costs to growth and expansion costs, cash is the lifeblood of a business. Large corporate organizations and small businesses alike are required to make decisions about where and when to spend (or not to spend) money. To do this, it’s imperative that you monitor what is commonly referred to as "cash flow." So what is cash flow? To… Read More

The EMV Liability Shift: What Small Business Owners Need to Know

As our economy becomes more reliant on the use of payment cards as opposed to good ol' fashion paper cash, instances of fraud are on the rise. Data breaches are happening more frequently and transactional fraud is costing the United States billions upon billions of dollars. If it weren’t for a significant change in technology, this trend would continue to spell disaster for businesses and consumers alike. That significant change is rooted in what is commonly referred to as EMV,… Read More