Category: Starting a Business

Crowdfunding for Startups and Established Businesses

Whether you are looking to start or expand your business, crowdfunding is a fundraising option that you can’t overlook. The crowdfunding economy more than tripled between 2011 and 2013, and is predicted to reach $96 Billion by 2025. It is a great way to generate interest about your business, validate your business idea, pre-sell a product or service you are offering, or even attract a large sum of money from investors looking for partial ownership. Crowdfunding takes on many forms,… Read More

Selling Your Products to Major Retailers – Top 5 Things to Remember

Selling to major retailers is a great way to take your business from 0-60 in no time flat. The complexities of selling your products to large retail chains are also a great way to waste a significant amount of time and money if you do not plan properly and do your homework. I personally experienced the tremendous learning curve with my own businesses in the past. Now, at STAR Funding I work with entrepreneurs every day that are hustling their… Read More

One Small Step, One Giant Leap for Your Business

45 years ago this past Sunday, humanity took a huge leap forward. It’s the day the United States first put men on the moon and safely returned them home. Not only did this feat captivate the world, it inspired millions of people to dream big. The challenges were many and success required persistence and passion. Sounds a little like starting and running a small business, huh? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Let’s lift off and see what your business can… Read More

6 Funding Options for Young Businesses

A lot of budding entrepreneurs have asked us how they can raise capital for their new businesses. The answer is it's extremely hard. Even if you are a tech startup with a hot idea and amazing growth potential, it's still really hard to raise funds from investors who don't know you when you don't have much to show for your company. After all, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 5 years. Investors/Lenders rarely fund… Read More