Category: Starting a Business

Everything You Need to Know About the New Overtime Law for 2020

Cash is king for business owners, plenty of it can make your dreams come true, and a lapse in cash flow can sink everything. One of your most important expenses as a business owner is payroll, and things could get a lot pricier starting Jan. 1, 2020, thanks to a change in overtime rules. New Overtime Rule In 2004, the US Department of Labor (DOL) established $455 per week as the earning level at which employees would become exempt from… Read More

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement: What’s the Difference?

A balance sheet details your company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity at a specific time. An income statement shows what income is going in and what spending is going out, detailing a net profit or loss for a company. Balance Sheet Template Income Statement Template What is a balance sheet? A balance sheet is a financial statement of what a company owns, what it owes, and how much shareholders invest.  The balance sheet formula is: Shareholders’ equity + Liabilities =… Read More

Protecting Your Personal Assets As a Business Owner

Over a million lawsuits are filed in state courts every year. And, according to one source, all of us have a 10% chance of getting sued in any given year and a 33% chance of getting sued during our lifetimes! This is scary information given that being on the losing end of a lawsuit can be financially devastating.  As a business owner, you have special cause for concern. That’s because if your business is sued and ordered to pay a… Read More

8 Business Travel Tips from Frequent Fliers

Traveling on the job might sound like a fun way to see the world, but too much of it can take a serious toll on your health and well-being. In fact, a recent study suggests links between frequent business travel (those with more than 14 nights away from home per month) and health risks such as a higher body mass index (BMI), anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.1   Whether you work in the travel and hospitality industry or are just going… Read More

How to Get a Loan to Start a Business

Starting a new business is exciting, but getting the funding to get your startup off the ground can be stressful. Learning how to get a loan to start a business can help you understand what commercial lenders are looking for, what you can qualify for, and some alternative approaches you can take.  Where to Get a Business Loan We’ll dive into your different options for financing shortly, but let’s open the conversation looking at where you can get a small… Read More

How to Grow In Your Role as a Business Owner

Becoming “the boss” can be challenging. After all, there’s more to running a business than producing or providing a good or service. Business owners must adapt and grow alongside their business, and in doing so, hone the skills necessary for success -- leadership, communication, industry expertise, etc. The demands of simply running a new business don’t always make growth an easy feat. Improving your business skills is an ongoing process, though in some cases, growth will be inevitable. New challenges… Read More