Category: Running a Business

11 Reasons Why Companies Succeed and 5 Reasons Businesses Fail

Entrepreneurs are superheroes as they all take the leap of faith and embark on a journey into the unknown. It takes a certain type of person to take on the responsibility of founding a company or working for a startup. The nature of a startup is one that contains sacrifices, emotional and physical investment, and pressure to perform. On average, nine out of 10 startups go out of business, and the remaining that are able to survive and succeed are… Read More

6 Ways to Boost Cash Flow and Beat the Summertime Business Blues

Don’t look now, but the dog days of summer are here. And unless you run a seasonal business that booms when temps rise, this means a slowdown in sales. So if the warmer weather has you wondering—“How am I going to make my cash flow work for the next 3 months?"—have no fear. Some simple planning now can set your business up for success. From reconnecting with your customers to building business credit, here are six tips to help keep… Read More

Acing the First Collection Call with a Past Due Customer

(Editor's note: In this guest post, Meredith Wood, Chief Community Officer at Funding Gates, offers tips to make more effective collection phone calls for your business. This is our first guest post, and we're thrilled to kick things off in style!) If you hate making collection phone calls, then this is an essential one to learn to make. Instead of waiting weeks to make the first phone call, get in the habit of calling a client the day after the payment… Read More

How new healthcare law impacts your business, plus 4 other can’t-miss stories

We filter out the noise, so you only get insights that matter. To keep you dialed in on what's shaping the future of small business ownership, each Tuesday we'll be serving up the industry's best stories. It's another way we help you kick ass. Time is money, so let's get to it... Free Affordable Care Act Webinars   The SBA and Small Business Majority have teamed up to teach small business owners about what the ACA means for their business. They… Read More