Category: Running a Business

The “Joy” Of Getting a Mortgage If You Are Self-Employed

Running a small business and obtaining a real estate mortgage are two areas that, when blended, create their own unique challenges. As a national mortgage professional with nearly 30 years in the industry, I've helped many borrowers navigate these challenges and offer this advice to help you do the same. It may seem daunting when you hear "horror stories" of self-employed people who have gone through the mortgage process. I cannot ‘sugar coat’ this, it IS challenging and detailed. But… Read More

What Is My NAICS Code? A Guide to Finding and Selecting the Right NAICS Code for Your Business

North American Industrial Classification System codes — or "NAICS codes" as they are commonly known — are six-digit codes that classify businesses into a specific business sector. Each digit signifies a different classification for your business. The first two digits of the NAICS code signifies the major group or sector of an establishment. There are 20 different industry sectors that these two digits define. The last four digits are used to further classify subsectors, industry groups, industry types, and industry… Read More

4 Tax Deduction Tips for Small Business Owners

For most people, the term “tax season” doesn’t evoke the same heartwarming feelings that phrases like “holiday season” or even “football season” do. But alas, taxes are a necessary obligation we all face, and rather than dwell on it, I try to focus on the positive side of the situation. For me, that’s tax deductions! Working with my accountant to find all of the deductions I’m eligible for has turned into a game over the years. The more we find,… Read More

What will rising interest rates mean for small business?

You just closed on a new business loan, and now you’re sitting back for a rare minute of down time you have as a business owner. You turn on the news and see the headline: “U.S. Federal Reserve is Considering Raising Interest Rates.” To business owners who have been through the process of securing financing before, “raising interest rates” does not sound good. But what exactly does it mean for you? An increase in the rate set by the Federal… Read More

The Best Payroll Solutions for SMBs

It doesn’t matter if you are the owner of a small or midsized business or work in the HR department, you realize the importance of choosing a payroll solution that will make life easier on you and your employees. As your business grows, so does the need for a high quality, reliable and detail oriented payroll provider. One mistake regarding this part of your business could lead to big trouble down the road. From paying employees the wrong amount to… Read More

Business Owner Profile: Margo Schlossberg

Margo Schlossberg’s interests span the gamut from kickboxing to sewing. Friends often ask her, “How can you like both of those things? They’re so opposite!” Their questions inspired Schlossberg to start a business to show the world that women can be both tough and feminine at the same time. She founded Warrior Princess Clothing with the goal of encouraging women to enjoy whatever interests them, whether it’s considered traditionally female or male. (more…)