Category: Running a Business

6 Things You Should Do As You Start Q4

Despite the fact that the fourth quarter rolls around at the exact same time year after year, the realization that it’s just around the corner is always startling.  In fact, every year as Labor Day bookends the far end of the summer, I find myself asking “how did we get here already?”  We are, of course, “here,”and if you’re a small business owner, it’s time to pencil in a few important tasks to help you navigate the Q4 craziness. 1.… Read More

The Risks of Chargebacks & How to Handle Them

Accepting all forms of credit cards allows your business to remain competitive by offering customers the convenience of using their favorite payment option during checkout. However, depending upon how your business is structured, you might stand at risk of receiving a higher-than-normal level of chargebacks, which can cause not only your business to be shut off from processing credit cards, but can lead to lost revenues and lost inventory. For this article, I will discuss the structural foundation of credit… Read More

Why Waiting Until Retirement to Start Your Business Could Backfire

With Americans living longer, healthier, and more productive lives, it should come as no surprise that many are using their retirement years to work and earn. Don’t expect this to show up as retirees hanging on to their same career paths, however. According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, many older retirees are using this stage in life to change careers completely, often with a switch over to self-employment. Data shows that this transition usually… Read More

How 1,000+ Failures Led to This Fried Chicken Legend’s Success

Various reports state that there might be upwards of 500,000 new businesses that are started each month across the United States. Many of these entrepreneurs have the same goal in mind when they start their own business: establish financial freedom. Everybody wants to be a millionaire and everybody wants to have their product, service, and business concept in the headlines as one that helped change the world, a region, or change a community for the the better. However, reality sets… Read More

The Minimum Wage Debate at a Glance: Should Businesses Pay Their Employees More?

The minimum wage is widely debated in the U.S. Proponents make the case that the minimum wage helps the lowest earners, while opponents claim that the minimum wage destroys jobs by forcing businesses to slow or eliminate hiring in order to comply. Small business owners generally hate increased regulation. It's a top complaint (along with taxes) on survey after survey of small business owners, year in and year out. So as the minimum wage debate starts to heat up again this year,… Read More

Snapchat Marketing: How to Get More Customers

Upon its introduction to the social media arena, Snapchat may have seemed like a fly-by-night app esteemed by teens and pre-teens without much purchasing power. But all that has changed. With over 300 million active users, Snapchat reaches 41% of 18-34 year olds in the U.S.  And when it comes to the fact that 55% of users follow at least one brand, 60% of videos, including Snap Ads, are watched with the sound turned on, and the projected Snapchat ad… Read More