Category: Running a Business

Association Health Plans Now Available to More Small Businesses

A lot has been going on with insurance these days. Despite a fast-moving and somewhat tumultuous political landscape, many small business owners are still asking “what are we going to do about health care?” With many of the main components of the ACA gutted, and several Obama-era rulings reversed, much of what companies have been hurrying to comply with is no longer relevant. What remains has left many small businesses without options for their modest pool of workers. The Department… Read More

How to Handle Sick Leave as a Small Business Owner

Getting paid time off when you’re ill used to be a trademark of more traditional, full-time career employment; it came standard for many workers, along with pension (and a gold watch) when you retired. This was part of the picture only for some American workers, however, as most part-time employees, laborers in certain industries, and freelancers rarely received sick leave. While the Labor Department 2018 numbers revealed a slight increase in workers who got paid sick time (a change from… Read More

8 Business Services You May be Paying for That You Can Get for Free

Looking to make some trims to your operational budget? Just getting started and need business solutions that won’t break the bank? There are a lot of bills that are unavoidable – utilities, suppliers, etc. – but today’s digital environment connects small business owners with a variety of products that can help them run their business without adding to their bills.   Cut your costs by checking out these eight free business services. Doc Storage – Google Drive Google may be… Read More

5 Apps to Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 61% of American’s polled consider work to be one of the highest stressors, with only, with only money (62%) and national concerns (63%) ranking ahead, marginally as it may be. Though the stress associated with work and money is common across multiple demographics and professions, small business owners likely feel an increased weight from that stress, with many tasked with long, challenging hours that bleed seep from the chaos of their work lives… Read More

These 22 Productivity Apps Can Help Your Small Business and Your Life

Most of us have wished for a few extra hours (or days) in the week — a desperate plea for time to catch up on work, make more time for family, or get in some personal improvement time, but perhaps it’s the small business owners who really can benefit from that extra time. With an average work week of 50 hours (60 for some), many small business owners find themselves with little time for anything but operational basics – a… Read More

How New Tariffs Could Affect Your Small Business

The news cycle is fast and furious these days, with many of the headlines focused on President Trump and his concentrated efforts on shoring up worldwide trade. One method of choice is the dreaded tariff, and with so many new announcements happening at once, it may be hard to know what’s up – and what’s down. So, what exactly is the deal with tariffs? How will it affect your company? While the answer will depend somewhat on where you are… Read More