Category: Growing a Business

Our Top 9 Pricing Strategies for Service Based Business Owners

Key takeaways: Service providers often struggle with setting prices, afraid that a high price will scare off potential customers, or charge too low a price to create a sustainable business.  Small business owners need to set a pricing structure that helps them attract their ideal customer, while meeting their own financial goals.  There are a number of pricing strategies that can work, based on the type of service you offer and the value you provide.  Research pricing strategies and revisit… Read More

Building Business Credit History With Everyday Expenses

“I don’t want to take on debt for my business.”  That’s a frequent comment I’ve heard from small business owners who are trying to understand how to establish business credit. They are under the impression that the only way to build credit is to borrow money with small business loans or other types of financing. Here’s the answer I gave that business owner: "You don’t have to use debt to build good business credit scores." You can build business credit… Read More

Cash Flow Forecasting 101: A Survival Guide for New Small Businesses

As a small business owner, knowing how much money your business will bring in and spend during the next month, quarter, or year, can be key to making sure you have enough cash to keep your business going. That cash in/cash out formula is the essence of cash flow forecasting. But unless you have a strong background in finance, you may find the cash flow forecasting process daunting. It doesn’t have to be. Here we’ll share what cash flow forecasting… Read More

Do Subscriptions Build Business Credit?

Paying subscriptions can be one way to establish and build business credit. To achieve strong business credit, there are additional steps you’ll need to take.  In the world of personal credit, getting credit for monthly payments for subscriptions—like your cell phone bill or Netflix subscription—has recently become a popular and creative way to help build your personal credit scores with FICO and VantageScore. How does that work if you’re a business owner? Can subscriptions help build your business credit history?… Read More

Five Simple and Inexpensive Asset Protection Strategies

Asset protection strategies are essential for safeguarding your wealth from unexpected events or liabilities. While some methods can be complex and expensive, there are five relatively simple and cost-effective techniques that can provide significant protection: umbrella insurance, life insurance, annuities, retirement accounts, and 529 accounts. Understanding these strategies and how they can benefit you will help secure a business owner’s hard earned assets and ensure the financial future for your loved ones. Please note:  The degree of asset protection provided… Read More

Calculating Annual Business Revenue 101: Why Is It Important?

“How much money do you make?” That would be a rude question if asked by a stranger, or even a friend. But if you are a business owner seeking financing or money from investors, you’ll encounter that question all the time, and you better be prepared to answer it.  Understanding the meaning of annual revenue, how to calculate annual revenue, and then to be able to confidently share that number when required, can be key when growing a financially healthy… Read More