Category: Business Financing

What Retail Businesses Can Do About Overseas Product Shipment Delays

Small business owners in the ecommerce and retail industries have been dealing with delayed delivery times since the pandemic began. But there are steps you can take today to improve the process and ease the pressure from your business. In this article, we cover how long you can expect shipping to take, why so many shipments are delayed, and what small business owners can do to handle these challenges. How Long Is International Shipping Taking Right Now? Retail business overseas… Read More

How to Launch and Pay For a New Retail Product

Launching a retail product is a great way to add revenue to your retail business, but you may need extra capital in order to do it successfully.Purchasing inventory, marketing materials and campaigns, and retail space are all considerations that cost money when adding a new product to your sales lineup.A retail product launch loan could help you cover the costs of launching a retail product. How Do You Launch a New Retail Product? A new product launch is an exciting… Read More

Loan Options for Dental Office Expansion

If you’re looking to expand your dental practice by increasing your office space, adding a new location, renovating your existing dental office, or buying another dentist’s practice, you may want to consider a dental office loan. A dental office expansion can be a good way to increase your business and your brand, but it can cost money you may not have, especially if your dental practice is new. Read on to find out more about dental office financing options for… Read More

How to Get a Business Loan for Insurance Agents

An insurance business is appealing for any number of reasons, and one of them is the relatively low cost of getting started. However, it’s a competitive industry with over 415,466 insurance agents and broker businesses in the US, according to IBISWorld. To stand out, insurance agents and agency owners may need to invest heavily in advertising and marketing, and you may need to hire staff to handle customer inquiries.  Perhaps you need funds to acquire another insurance agency’s book of… Read More

How Real Estate Agencies Will Use Business Loans In 2023

There are a lot of upfront expenses to running a real estate business, including heavy marketing and advertising expenses. But agents and brokers don’t get paid until a sale closes and funds, which means there can be a sometimes significant gap between when the business spends money and when it earns money.  Additionally, interest rates have been rising, and will likely continue to do so. Higher interest rates mean higher mortgage rates, which make it more difficult for both prospective… Read More

Why Retail Businesses Are Using Working Capital Loans To Fund Marketing

Retail businesses often take a lot of risk. Business owners manufacture or buy products hoping to sell them in the future. Sometimes sales come quickly, and sometimes it can take weeks or months (and some deep discounts or heavy promotion) to make a sale.  And even established retail businesses need to regularly fund advertising and marketing campaigns so sales don't slack off. For many small business owners in the retailer space, having access to financing is one of the key… Read More