Category: Business Credit

How to Find an Apartment Loan

Buying an apartment building isn’t the same as purchasing smaller investment properties. The payoff can be higher (assuming your investment goes well), but the risk may be higher as well — both for you and the lender.  On the plus side, a multifamily apartment building can have excellent income potential. It might generate consistent cash flow and grow your real estate portfolio. Plus, when you have a vacancy (or even a few vacancies), they likely won’t impact your bottom line… Read More

Top 4 Benefits of Pay As You Go Workers’ Comp:

As a small business owner, your to-do list is long enough. Between the upfront lump-sum payments and messy annual audits, there's probably not much room for worrying about workers' comp. That’s what makes Pay As You Go (PAYG) workers’ comp so great. It’s easy, automated, and accurate. Pay As You Go reduces the inaccuracies of up-front payroll estimates that lead to expensive surprises. It provides all the coverage, compliance and confidence of a traditional workers’ comp policy while reducing the… Read More

Small Business Grant Winners Share Their Strategies for Success

Small business grants are perhaps the most coveted of all types of small business funding. Grants don’t have to be repaid and, unlike equity funding, you don’t give up any ownership of your company. (The IRS does want its share, though, so be prepared for a tax bill.)  How do you actually win a business grant, or at least increase your odds of getting one? Here four entrepreneurs who collectively won a variety of small business grants share their top… Read More

How to Get an Investment Property Loan With 10 Percent Down

The right investment property can help you generate rental income. If you can’t, or don’t want to, pay cash, you’ll need an investment property loan. The right investment property loan can make all the difference in whether or not your investment property is profitable—or a financial burden. Here’s how to find investment property loans and decide how to move forward with your real estate investing business. What Is an Investment Property Loan? Just like you can take out a loan… Read More

Best Hard Money Loans With 100 Percent Financing

As a real estate investor, you may not have the luxury of getting approved for a traditional small business loan. Whether it’s a low credit score, a spotty payment history, or lack of down payment, you may find it challenging to find financing. Or you may simply need money fast in order to close a deal. One option to consider: a hard money loan. Here, we share what hard money loans are, how they work, and where to find them.… Read More

How Do Hard Money Loans Work?

A hard money loan is a unique type of mortgage loan typically used in real estate investing. A traditional lender like a bank does not offer hard money mortgages. Instead, private money lenders and individuals serve as hard money lenders, offering these loans to real estate investors. As with any method of financing, there are pros and cons to hard money loans. They are definitely better suited for certain investment scenarios over others. In order to determine if a hard… Read More