You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get a great small business credit card. In fact, there are plenty of cards for small businesses that offer generous rewards and valuable benefits, with no annual fee. Also, these cards come with all the same expense tracking and reporting features found on the issuer’s premium cards that cost hundreds of dollars a year.
The Case for No-Fee Business Credit Cards
The small business credit cards that have pricey annual fees are typically the ones that offer premium travel rewards and benefits. These cards are great for road warriors, but many businesses operate entirely within their community, and their owners have little or no need for these travel perks. And while most of the premium small business credit cards offer rewards in the form of airline miles or hotel points that can be difficult to use, the no-fee cards typically return good old cash back that’s simple to redeem. Finally, the small business credit cards that have no annual fee and offer no rewards will typically have lower interest rates than reward cards.
Here are the best small business credit cards with no annual fees:
This card offers very competitive travel rewards, but still has a
annual fee. . Points are earned in the American Express Membership Rewards program, which offers gift cards, merchandise or travel reservations. Or, you can transfer your points to airline miles with 16 different frequent flyer programs. New applicants also receive . Foreign transaction fees are2.
This card offers very strong cash back returns on many common business purchases. You
There’s a annual fee for this card, but there is a foreign transaction fee of . It also has a compelling introductory APR, with .3.
This card allows you to get
. New applicants can . There’s a annual fee for this card, and the foreign transaction fee is .4. U.S. Bank Business Platinum Card
When small businesses are looking to save money on financing purchases rather than earning rewards, this is a card to consider. It offers new accounts 20 months of 0% APR financing on both new purchases and balance transfers, with a 3% balance transfer fee. Once the promotional financing period expires, the standard APR will apply, which is 11.49% to 19.49%, depending on the applicant’s creditworthiness. There’s no annual fee for this card, but there is a 3% foreign transaction fee.
*All information about the U.S. Bank Business Platinum Card credit card has been collected independently by Nav. This card is not currently available through Nav. To see what business credit cards are available, please visit the Nav Credit Card Marketplace.
This article was originally written on April 16, 2018 and updated on January 27, 2025.
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